Montag, 18. Juni 2007

Sorry, i forgot to add some pictures to the articles.... I will do it now:

Jin tha’ MC: Putting Asia on the Hip-Hop Map -

- The Amache Japanese Internment Camp

Did you know that the situation in L.A. 1992 can be compared with Paris in 2005?
In bothe cases the police caused riots and didn`t do anything. The reason for such a revolt were the death of two "Maghrébins" and in L.A. 24 dead African and Korean Americans. But there are also much more reasons, like racial tensions and so on.....

Some thoughts of.....

I am a 1.5 generation Korean American, my name is Cho Seung-hui and I think that, they deserved to die, because
they sullend me all the time. I am also sick of my horrible life and I won`t to live anymore now in this bad

Did you know that......

Did you know something about the Japanese American Internement? -No? So I will tell you know important things about
it. The interment is the housing of the Japanese Americans in concentration camps during WW2. This happened after
the attack of Pearl Harbor in the United States and lasted 4 years. The situation in the camps were just horrible
and there were terrible living conditions. Here are some internment camps you should know:

-Tuke Lake

Did you know that......

Did you know that, one reason for immigration of the Chinese Americans to come to the United States
was the bad situation in china. The hole government was economically and politically unstable and there
were wars between the citizens. But many of the Chinese Americans came to the USA during the
Gold Rush of the 1850s in order to be lucky and find perhaps gold to bring it back at home.
They tried to improve their living conditions there with economic work, because they were more efficient
and a lot cheaper than the other white workers. Some of them even tried to make theis own farms to became farmers
with their own right, but they were forced to leave their families, in China, then.

A diary entry:

Dear diary,

Today was horrible day and I never thought that this could happen to us one day.
I was separated from my family without any reasons and surprisingly the men who took me away didn`t say anything.
After a few minutes I saw a terrible, big camp with many people; all were Japanese Americans like me.
And soldiers stand in front of a big fence to "protect" these people in here.
I recordgnized (<--- falsch geschrieben!!!) very fast that this is no camp where you can`t live like a decent human.
All day we must work hard and we don`t get enough food to stay in good health.

17 things I learned about Asian Americans and Racism 1882-2007:

- An Asian American is generally defined as a person of Asian ancestry who was born in or is an immigrant
to the United States
- All people have stereotypes in their minds about other nations etc.
- Many of the Chinese Americans came to the USA during the Gold Rush of the 1850s in order to be lucky and
find perhaps gold to bring it back at home
- The Filipino American community is the second largest Asian American group in the United States
- Notable famous Japanse Americans: Ellison Onizuka (1985 the first Asian American in space)
George Hosako Takei (Japanese American actor (Star Trek)
- Most Korean Americans are Christians/ Protestants
- There are two froms of racism: the (Everyday) Racism and the Institutionalized Racism
- Cho Seung-hui (Korean American) was part of the 1.5 generation (= people who aren`t second-generation but don`t feel like
first-generation immigrants either) and caused the Virginia Tech Massacre
- The L.A. Race Riots, examples: -19th March 1991
-3rd March 1991 R.King There are also racial tensions between Afr. Americans
-29/04/92 Race Riots and Korean Americans
- Japanese American Internment: The interment is the housing of the Japanese Americans in concentration camps during WW2.
And the living conditions in the camps were horrible...
- Recent racism and discrimination from famous persons like Rosie O`Donnal or a basketball player
- Many laws against Asian Americans, like the Anti-Miscegenation law (1880) where the immigration from asia to the United States
was stopped, and the explanation and history of this laws
- There is a very good literature from Asian Americans, for example Bienvenido N. Santos (Filipino American):
Immigration Blues (extract)
- The situation of Paris in 2005 can be compared with L.A. in 1992. In both cases the police caused riots and
did`t do anything and even the reasons for this acting were the same, f. ex. racial tensions
- The Chinese Exclusion Act was lifted in 1943
- The Quota Act (1927) was aimed at Japanese
- Many Japanese Americans came to the USA because there was a demand for labor, because of the Chinese Exclusion Act